
Joint release of Revenue and Customs Administration and Statistical Office

Pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement from 2010 on the data exchange between Revenue and Customs Administration and Statistical Office, Revenue and Customs Administration submits the data on number of insured persons to the Statistical Office, up to the 20th in a month for the previous month, for the needs of implementation of ‘Statistical Survey on Insured Persons – Employees by Activities and Municipalities ‘.

Upon the detailed analysis of the data, there were observed discrepancies in the data compared to the trend of other macroeconomic indicators and usual change of number of employees, especially having in mind a seasonal character. Considering the above-mentioned reasons, Statistical Office has requested from Revenue and Customs Administration of Montenegro to submit the updated databases on change of number of insured persons, what represents the main source of data for statistics on employees.

After the insight in the received database for the period from January 2021 up to October 2021, with the state on 26 November 2021, there were observed differences in data compared to the previously submitted data. Reasons that caused differences in the data refer to:
• Submitting registrations by employers on a non-regular basis;
• Late entering of the forms due to strenuous workload in certain regional units during the tourist season;
• Short time period between submitting the data and period the data refer to, etc.

Respecting the principles of official statistics’ quality, and especially having in mind timeliness and importance of accurate data for decision making by all users of official statistics, it was necessary to revise a complete time data series for 2021.

The revision of these data shall cause revisions of all other statistical data related to the mentioned time period, with the statistics of employees as their input.

Statistical Office is informing users that the revised data are released in the publication ‘Monthly Statistical Release’, which is available at the official website of Statistical Office.

Additionally, Revenue and Customs Administration and Statistical Office will continue to cooperate with the aim to improve the quality of official statistics.

