
Social protection in Montenegro for 2018 and 2019 (ESSPROS methodology)

In 2019, EUR 805 948 940 was allocated for social protection benefits, which is an increase by 3.7 percentage compared to 2018. Total social protection expenditures increased due to the increase in total expenditures for social protection benefits in the function Sickness/Health care, function Disability, function Old age, function Survivors and Unemployment. In 2019, the amount of social protection benefits representing 97.0 percentage of the total social protection expenditure, which is at approximately the same level as in the previous year. By type of social protection, in 2018, the largest share of the total social protection expenditure refers to function Old age EUR 305 818 199, i.e. 39.1%, while function Sickness/Health care EUR 239 765 694 i.e. 30.7%. The third group by the amount of expenditures on social protection benefits was function Survivors, amounted EUR 92 052 883, i.e. 11.8%, followed function Disability and function Family/Children. Compared to the previous year, in 2019, an increase of expenditures in total expenditures for social protection benefits were in the function Sickness / Health care (by 1.0 percentage points) and function Unemployment (by 0.7 percentage points). On the other hand, expenditures for the function Old age decreased (by 0.7 percentage points), function Family/Children and function Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (by 0.3 percentage points), function Survivors (by 0.2 percentage points) and function Disability (by 0.1 percentage points). Data are presented in Table 1. The share of the total social protection expenditures in the Gross domestic product of Montenegro (GDP) in 2019 was 16.3%, which is a decrease by 0.4 percentage points compared to 2018. Despite the nominal growth of total social protection expenditures in 2019, the share of social protection expenditures in the Gross domestic product of Montenegro (GDP) in 2019 decreased, due to the nominal growth of gross domestic product in 2019 by 6.2%. Data are presented in Table 2.

In all social protection functions in Montenegro, excluding the function Sickness/Health care, the largest share of all social protection benefits was allocated to cash benefits. Data are presented in Table 3.

The largest share of social protection benefits by function non-means tested in 2018 and 2019 refer to function Sickness/Health care, function Disability and function Unemployment. Data are presented in Table 4.

