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First estimates of gross domestic product and actual individual consumption per capita in purchasing power standards for 2021

Based on first estimates of EUROSTAT, the gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power standards in Montenegro in 2021 was 47% of the EU average.

Among the Member States, the highest GDP per capita in purchasing power standards is recorded in Luxembourg, which level was more than two and a half times above the EU average and it was 277% of the EU average, while Bulgaria was at the lowest level with 55% of the EU average.

Among the neighbouring countries, based on first estimates of EUROSTAT, Croatia recorded the highest GDP per capita in purchasing power standards which is 70% of the EU average, while Montenegro is ranked at the second place with 47% of the EU average. Serbia was on the level of 44% of the EU average, North Macedonia was on the level of 42% of the European average, Bosnia and Herzegovina was on the level of 33% while Albania was on the level of 32% of the European average.

Actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita in PPS, among Member States in 2021, ranged from 63% of the EU average in Bulgaria to 146% of the EU average in Luxembourg.

