Statistical Office is implementing the 2024 User Satisfaction Survey. We invite users to fill in the questionnaire and to give their opinion on our work.

Arrivals and overnights of tourists, total

In Montenegro, in 2023, tourists realised 2 613 306 arrivals and 16 389 279 overnights . Of the total number of overnights, 96.3%, were realized by foreign tourists, and 3.7% of overnights were realized by domestic tourists.

Concerning the structure of overnights of foreign tourists, in 2023, the most of them were realized by tourists from Russian Federation (23.6%), Serbia (21.5%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (8.5%), Germany (4.9%), Ukraine (4.1%), Kosovo (3.6%), and Turkey (2.9%). Tourists from other countries were realised 31.0% overnights.

Concerning the structure of overnights by type of resort, in 2023, most of them were realised in seaside resorts (94.3%), mountain resorts (2.0%), capital (2.4%), and other tourists resorts (1.4%).

