
Population of Montenegro by Citizenship

The release presents the results of the 2023 Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings on number and structure of population of Montenegro by citizenship, by municipalities and Montenegro, with the situation as on 31 October 2023, at midnight.

According to the results of the 2023 Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings, in Montenegro live 623 633 inhabitants, out of which 90.73% or 565 804 have the citizenship of Montenegro; 1.71% or 10 691 have the citizenship of Montenegro and foreign country; 7.52% or 46 878 have the citizenship of foreign country, while 0.04% or 240 are stateless and 20 no response.

The gender structure of population by citizenship shows that, out of the total number of persons with citizenship of Montenegro, 50.36% are women, and 49.64% are men. Among foreign citizens, the share of women is 54.39%, while 45.61% are men.

