
Population of Montenegro With Difficulties/Limitations in Performing Daily Activities

The data in this release refer to number and structure of population by difficulties/limitations in the performance of daily activities. Persons who have difficulties/limitations in performing daily activities are persons who have practical limitations in performing or participating in various activities. This group includes persons who experience limitations in basic activity functioning, such as walking, seeing, hearing, congnition, self-care and communication, even if the limitation has been improved by the use of aids or with environmental support. The answer to this question was collected based on the statement of enumerated person, regardless of the existence of medical documentation as proof of disability. Additionally, a constituent part of this release are also data collected via the census as the national request, which refer to the existence of the decision on the status of person with disability, i.e. decisions issued by one of competent institutions, as well as type of disability a person has.

Out of the total number of population, there are 8.54% persons with at least one difficulty/limitation in performing daily activities. Thus, there are 5.83% persons with difficulties/limitations when walking; 3.86% with seeing; 2.48% with hearing; 2.02% congnition, 2.12% self-care, and 1.09% with communication.

Observing municipalities, the highest percentage of the population with at least one difficulty/limitation is in Andrijevica, 18.06%, and the lowest percentage is 3.48% in Budva.

When observing by sex, higher percentage of persons with difficulties/limitations in performing daily activities is among women than among men. Thus, 9.56% of women and 7.48% of men have at least one difficulty/limitation in performing daily activities.

The decision on the status of person with disability issued by at least one of competent institutions is possessed by 5.36% persons. Considering the type of disability, according to the data of the census, 2.38% persons reported to have sensory disability; 3.84% physical; and 2.09% psycho-social disability.

