
Migration of population, the 2023 Census

Migration or resettlement of the population is the spatial movement of the population from one place to another. People who are in migration are called migrants, and, depending on the context, emigrants or immigrants.
The census identified a contingent of usual residents who moved to Montenegro - immigrants, as well as persons who, for reasons of education, work or other reasons, left Montenegro for more than a year - emigrants. The answer was collected on the basis of the person's statement. Emigrants from the census are presented in the Release Enumerated citizens of Montenegro working, studying or staying outside Montenegro, while immigrants, i.e. persons who immigrated, and who represent part of the population of Montenegro, are the subject of this release.
In Montenegro, out of the total population, 500 889 or 80.3% of people never stayed abroad for a year or longer, while 122 744 or 19.7% are immigrants, that is, people who once lived or stayed abroad for at least one year.
Of the total number of immigrants, 63 779 or 52.0% are women, and 58 965 or 48.0% are men.
Looking at citizenship, 59.6% of immigrants have Montenegrin citizenship, while 35.3% are foreign citizens.
Most immigrants immigrated to Montenegro from Serbia, 44 303, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, 16 082, and the Russian Federation, 14 853.
According to the immigrants’ statement, the most common reason for immigrating to Montenegro is family reason, so about 48.8% of people came to Montenegro for family reasons; 16.8% of immigrants came for economic reasons, 14.6% because of war conflicts in the area of the person's previous place of residence, and 4.4% for education.

