Economic Accounts for agriculture, forestry and environment

Economic accounts for agriculture have been compiled in accordance with the concepts and rules that are unique in Europe and defined by Regulation (EU) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 December 2003 on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Union, with the amendments.

Economic accounts for agriculture are satellite accounts of the national accounts that provide additional information on agriculture. Their compilation is based on accounting rules and principles of the ESA (European System of Accounts). 

They contain the data on production, value added, income, capital formation and employment, which enable the analysis and estimations, calculation of the indicators of agriculture, international comparison and comparison of agriculture with other activities in the framework of the national economy.

  • The EAA comprises: 
  • Production account 
  • Generation of income account 
  • Net entrepreneurial income
  • Capital account
Prices in agriculture Accounts for agriculture, forestry and environment



