Statistical Office is implementing the 2024 User Satisfaction Survey. We invite users to fill in the questionnaire and to give their opinion on our work.
Supply and use tables (SUT)

Legal basis

Legal basis for conducting this statistical survey is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro No.18/12 and 47/19) and Annual plan of surveys.


Methodological framework used for the compilation of supply and use tables is the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and the Eurostat manual for the preparation of supply and use tables.

Purpose of survey

The supply and use tables are an integral part of the system of national accounts and they present in detail the production process and flows of goods and services in the system of national accounts. The supply and use tables are matrices by activities and by products that provide a detailed picture of the supply of goods and services from both domestic production and imports, the use of goods and services for intermediate consumption purposes, for the final use and exports of goods and services.

Coverage of survey

The supply table shows the total supply of goods and services from the domestic production and imports. The production is defined at basic prices, which means that the valuation of the production of each product excludes distribution margins (trade and transport) and other taxes on products, while it includes other subsidies on products. The supply table also gives the total resources valued at purchaser’s prices, obtained by adding distribution margins (trade and transport) and taxes minus subsidies on products to the resources at basic prices. The use table shows the intermediate consumption by products and industry, the use of products for final consumption, the gross capital formation and exports. The use of goods and services for intermediate consumption and final consumption is valued at purchaser’s prices.

Two identities are to be observed for the supply and use tables:

  • The identity by industry (in columns), output by industry equals input by industry. This means that for each industry: output = intermediate consumption + value added.
  • The identity by product (in rows), total supply by product equals total use by product. This means that for each product: output + imports = intermediate consumption + final consumption + gross fixed capital formation + exports.

Data sources

Based on the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro No.18/12 and 47/19) in the period 10 November – 5 December 2014, Statistical Office of Montenegro – MONSTAT conducted the survey ''Structure of business income and expenses of business entities and entrepreneurs (SPIR)“ which was used as data source for structures of output and intermediate consumption. Other data sources include data sources used during the regular GDP compiltaion: financial statements of the business companies, data on revenues and expenditure of government units, data on taxes and subsidies, balance of payment data and tax declaration data. In addition, the data from regular statistical surveys and other relevant data sources are used.


  • Supply table in current prices, 2013
  • Use table in current prices, 2013
  • Supply table in current prices, 2018
  • Use table in current prices, 2018
Data Methodology

