Satisfaction survey

Thank you for visiting our web page whose improvement is our continuous obligation. This is opportunity to express your opinion on services that we offer via web site and to help us in that way this page to be as better and useful for the users.
We would appreciate if you could give us couple of minutes to answer on following question.

1.How did you find out for our web page?


By recommendation

2. How often you visit our web page?


This my first visit

3. What is the average duration of your visit to our web page


4.Do you, mostly, find in our web page information you need?


Yes, not that easy

5. Could you ,please, select category that is the closest to your occupation

Private sector
Faculty, school

International  organizations


6.Your sex




7. Age group



8. How much you are satisfied, in total, with services that our web page offers?



9. Which information miss and what would you suggest to find on our site?

