
Indices of industrial production and turnover November 2017

Industrial production in Montenegro in November increased 11.4% compared to previous month.
At the sector level, compared to same month of previous year, industrial production increased 147.3% in mining and quarrying and 8.9% in manufacturing, while production decreased 23.5% in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.
At the sector level, in period January-November 2017 compared to the same period of previous year, there was increase in mining and quarrying 119.0%, while production in two sector are decreased: manufacturing 2.2% and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 28.0%.
Industrial turnover in Montenegro in November increased 25.0% compared with the same month of previous year and 31.8% compared to average monthly turnover from previous year.

At the sector level, in period January-November compared to the same period of previous year, there was a increase of turnover in mining and quarrying 79.7% and 6.2% in manufacturing. 

