
Eurostat’s bilateral mission for National Accounts - NA statistics

Under a bilateral cooperation, Eurostat’s team headed by Ms. Ani Todorova, Head of Eurostat’s Unit C2 ‘National Accounts Production’ visited the Statistical Office of Montenegro – MONSTAT in period from 20 to 21 February 2019.
The bilateral cooperation with the Eurostat is a reflection of cooperation which MONSTAT has with all European partners in the European integration process.

Having in mind the support of Eurostat, this bilateral mission, initiated by MONSTAT, aimed at further development of the European integration process within the negotiating Chapter 18. This has been a good opportunity for MONSTAT’s team to present all results achieved so far in the field of National Accounts – NA and transmitted to Eurostat, as well as to define further steps within the cooperation with Eurostat with the aim to fulfil the final benchmarks of Chapter 18. 

Eurostat’s bilateral mission for National Accounts - NA statistics 

