Industrial production – PRODCOM 2020
The production of more important industrial products in Montenegro in 2020 can be presented in different manners. Important industrial products are products classified in the area of Activity Classification with the largest share in the total industrial production.
In 2020 the production of the following products increased compared with the production from 2019:
- Aluminum ores and concentrates from 774 725 t to 889 057 t, i.e. 15.8%;
- Cigarettes containing tobacco from 462 t to 684 t, i.e. 48.0%;
- Pre-coated aggregates from 64 658 t to 191 122 t, i.e. 195.6%;
- Unwrought non-alloy aluminum from 36 522 t to 37 208 t, i.e. 1.9%.
In 2020 there was a decrease of production among the following products when compared with the production from 2019:
- Coniferous wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise from 128 329 m³ to 107 100 m³, i.e. -16.5%;
- Ready-mixed concrete from 838 984 t to 703 539 t, i.e. -16.2%.
- Ball bearings from 816 t to 612 t, i.e. -25.0%.
- Steel castings for machinery and mechanical appliances from 14 905 t to 12 746 t i.e. -14.5%.