Modernisation Statistical System

Montenegro joins the Statistical Modernisation Community

In November 2017, Statistical Office of Montenegro has become a partner in the Statistical Modernisation Community along with 16 other national and international statistical organisations.

The Statistical Modernisation Community is a collaborative partnership, created as an initiative of the UNECE High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS).

The HLGMOS oversees modernisation projects and manages the models and tools needed to support modernisation in statistical organisations. It aims to improve the efficiency of statistical production, and help statistical organisations to produce outputs that better meet user needs.

In recognition of the current development of the Statistical Office of Montenegro and innovation which has been introduced in recent years in the way of production and dissemination of official data, especially in the field of the use of modern technologies, the Statistical Office of Montenegro has taken an active part in the work of this community.

The main scope of the work is to drive new developments in the production, organisation and products of official statistics, ensuring effective coordination and information sharing within official statistics, and with relevant external bodies and to promote common standards, models, tools and methods to support the modernisation of official statistics.

Additional information you could find on this web site:

Statistical Modernisation Community

