Statistical Office is implementing the 2024 User Satisfaction Survey. We invite users to fill in the questionnaire and to give their opinion on our work.

The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is an international household survey programme developed by UNICEF. MICS provides up-to-date information on the situation of children and women and measures key indicators that allow countries to monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), EU integration and other internationally agreed upon commitments. Additional information on the global MICS programme may be obtained from

The Montenegro Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (2013 Montenegro MICS) and Montenegro Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (2013 Montenegro Roma Settlements MISC) were carried out in 2013 by the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT). Financial and technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and UN Montenegro.
The 2013 Montenegro MICS and 2013 Montenegro Roma Settlements MISC were conducted as part of the fifth global round of MICS surveys (MICS5). 
2013 Montenegro Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and 2013 Roma Settlements in Montenegro Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
Within the MICS 2018 survey, 3 826 households in the country and 854 households in Roma settlements were interviewed.
The data obtained from the survey are used to assess the progress of Montenegro in achieving the goals of sustainable development and the relevant national strategies, as well as the country's progress in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
They show that progress has been made in certain areas in relation to the previous survey MICS 2013, as well as those that require additional work in order to improve them.
Here you can find short statistics of MICS 2018 Survey 
Here you can find final report MICS 2018 survey
