Organizational structure for preparation and implementation of the Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings 2021

Bodies and providers in the preparation of census

Statistical Office prepares, organizes, and implements a census of population, households, and dwellings.

For performing the tasks of preparation of population census, Statistical Office is establishing:

1. Commission for Management of Preparation and Implementation of 2021 Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings

2. Commissions in charge of preparation of specific census tasks (commission for drafting law on census of population, households, and dwellings and budget proposals for implementation of 2021 Census; commission for production and implementation of methodology on 2021 population census; commission for drafting and implementation of organizational instructions for 2021 population census; commission for updating spatial register; commission for data processing and IT support; commission for coordination of communication with state institutions, media, and other users).

Since 30 December 2018, when preparations for traditional population census started, there are 40 staff members of Statistical Office that participate in its preparation. 

In addition to the mentioned bodies, and as its representatives, Statistical Office appoints state instructors that directly prepare certain circumstances of census (updating spatial register and training of census participants), and later during the implementation of census control and coordinate the work of all participants in the census, in accordance with the methodology and the law. 

In addition to the mentioned bodies, certain obligations in the preparations of census, i.e. creation of census circumstances are on:

Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare (proposer of law on census of population, as well as ensuring necessary financial and human resources needed for the implementation of census);

 - Administration for Cadastre and State Property and local self-government units (address register and related circumstances aimed at updating spatial register);

Bodies and performers in the implementation of census

Certain tasks on preparation, organizations, and implementation of census at the territory of municipality, capital, and old royal capital (hereinafter referred to as the ‘local self-government unit’), Statistical Office performs via census commissions. 

In addition to the census commissions, certain obligations in preparations and implementation of census have Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Direct performers of census are enumerators and instructors.

Important documents:
