Higher Education

Legal basis
Legal basis for conducting statistical surveys in the area of higher education statistics is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro 18/12). 


Purpose of survey
The purpose of survey is to collect, process, and publish the data on enrolled and graduated students on primary, postgraduate, and doctorate studies, as well as on teaching staff by all characteristics important for describing certain phenomena. 

Data sources and coverage
Statistical activity covers all higher educational institutions, both public and private ones. The data on enrolled students refer to an academic year, while the data on graduation, i.e. attained degrees refer to a calendar year.
All students enrolled the winter semester of current academic year, and all students obtained certain degree legally envisaged in a calendar year, in all higher educational institutions, regardless of ownership status, are included.
The data on teaching staff on higher educational institutions, and on students enrolled to postgraduate and doctorate studies are collected by using the summarised report which is filled by all higher educational institutions.
The surveys are conducted with the annual periodicity.

Obligation to protect individual data
The data obtained from reporting units are only used for statistical purposes and they are published at the aggregated level.

For more details on published data, methodology, and releases please see the sections below.



Data Methodology Releases Metadata Quality reports



