Traffic accident

Legal basis
Legal basis for conducting this statistical survey is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro 18/12).


Purpose of survey
The survey aim on road traffic accidents is to use the data obtained for monitoring the dynamics of scope and change of observed phenomena. The purpose of survey on road traffic accidents is to collect, process, and publish data on number of traffic accidents, persons killed and persons injured, and damages.

Coverage of survey
Reporting unit is Montenegro Police Administration as an institution engaged in monitoring and keeping records on road traffic accidents.

Data sources
Data source on road traffic accidents is administrative.

Obligation to protect individual data
Individual data on the natural or legal persons are confidential and constitutes an official secret in accordance with Article 56 of the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro 18/12).

For more details on published data, methodology, and releases please see the sections below.

Quarter data Annual data
