Population census 2011

Legal basis

Legal basis for conducting the Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings 2003 is the Law on Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings in 2011 (Official Gazette of Montenegro 41/10 from 23 July 2010, 44/10 from 30 July 2010, 75/10 from 21 December 2010).


Purpose of survey

The population census results present the picture of structure of population, households, and families in Montenegro, as well as structure and main characteristics of dwellings. Having in mind that the census covers areas of demography, migration, ethno-cultural characteristics, education, disability, and other, the data received by the census serves to the planning policy creators. 

Coverage of survey

Complete coverage of all census units in the territory of Montenegro is in accordance with the Law on Census of Population, Households, and Dwellings and methodology.

Census units

Census units are: persons, households and dwellings. 

Characteristics collected with this census are defined by the mentioned Law. 

Protection of individual data

Protection of individual data is provided by the mentioned Law on census. 

More details on published data, methodology, and releases, please find in the sections below.

