
 Legal basis

Legal basis for conducting statistical surveys in the area of forestry statistics is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro 18/12 and 47/19).


Purpose of survey

The main aim of surveys on the forestry statistics is to obtain the data on: production, sales, stocks of forest assortments in state forests, forest areas, cutting, used non-wood forest products, damages in forests, cultivation, melioration and infrastructure in forestry. Furthermore, aim is also to obtain data on number of games, number of shot game, employed staff, hunting buildings and facilities, as well as hunting areas and hunters.

Data sources and coverage

Data are collected from:

(1) Administration for Managing Forests and Hunting Grounds - Central (Forest Administration - Central)

(2) Users of hunting grounds.

All regional units of the Administration for Managing Forests and Hunting Grounds (Forest Administration) and all users of hunting grounds are covered within the surveys.

Survey method

The method used in the forestry statistics since the beginning of the 60s of the last century, was based on the reports submitted by Regional Units of the Administration for Managing Forests and Hunting Grounds (Forest Administration). The development of administrative data sources has created the conditions for the application of statistical methods of data processing. Therefore, in order to harmonize forestry statistics, the data for the period 2010 - 2019 were recalculated.

Obligation to protect individual data

Data obtained through surveys are only used for statistical purposes, and they are published at the aggregated level.

For more details on published data, methodology, and releases please see the sections below.

Data Methodology Releases Publications Quality reports Metadata

