Perpetrators of crime

Legal basis 
Legal basis for conducting the statistical surveys in the area of judicial statistics is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro 18/12).


Purpose of survey
The purpose of survey is to collect the data on reported, accused, and convicted adult and juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences, and to determine extent and territorial dispersion of crime in Montenegro.

Data sources and coverage
The data on adult and juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences are collected by regular annual statistical surveys, and on the basis of individual statistical questionnaires which are filled by competent state prosecutor’s offices and competent courts. The crime coverage as a negative social phenomenon is fully covered, since statistical surveys encompass both adult and juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences (including also criminal offences committed by unknown perpetrators).

Obligation to protect individual data
The data obtained from reporting units are only used for statistical purposes and they are published at the aggregated level.

For more details on published data, methodology and releases please see the sections below.

