Category: Other producers of official statistics
Area: ONAs
Survey / data collection: Survey on credit transactions with foreign resident

MONSTAT metadata
Reference metadata
  1. Contact
  2. Metadata update
  3. Statistical presentation
  4. Unit of measure
  5. Reference period
  6. Institutional mandate
  7. Confidentiality
  8. Release policy
  9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy and reliability
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and Comparability
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment

Note: For any question on metadata, please contact MONSTAT metadata support.

                                                                                     1. Contact                                                                           Vrh
1.1. Contact organization: Central Bank of Montenegro
1.2. Contact organization unit: Sector for Financial Stability and Research and Statistics
1.2. Contact organization unit: Bulevar Sv. Petra Cetinjskog 6, 81000 Podgorica

                                                                                      2. Metadata update                                                                       Top
2.1. Metadata last certified:
2.2. Metadata last posted:29 December 2023
2.3. Metadata last update:10.11.2023

                                                                                3. Statistical presentation                                                                  Top
3.1. Data description:Collecting the data on credit operations of residents with abroad in aim to compile balance of payments statistics and private external debt.
3.2. Classification system:Classification in accordance with BPM6 (Balance od Payments and International Investment Position Manual, fifth edition, IMF) and EDS (External debt Statistics Manual, IMF)
3.3. Sector coverage:The data shall be submitted to Central Bank of Montenegro by the following: legal persons, subsidiaries of foreign companies registered in the register of the competent authority in Montenegro, entrepreneurs and natural persons
3.4. Statistical concepts and
In line with the international standards (BPM6, EDS).
3.5. Statistical unit:Residents that have credit operations with non-residents in accordance with BPM6 and EDS.
3.6. Statistical population:Residents that have credit operations with nonresidents.
3.7. Reference area:Montenegro
3.8. Time coverage:Annual data from 2010 onward.
3.9. Base period:Attn.

                                                                                      4. Unit of measure                                                                        Top
EUR (thousands)

                                                                                     5. Reference period                                                                       Top
Annual data

                                                                                  6. Institutional mandate                                                                    Top
6.1. Legal acts and other
National regulation: The Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 1812, 4719), Law on Central Bank of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 4010, 4610, 6213,7017) and Law on Current and Capital Affairs with Abroad (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro No 4505 and Official Gazette of Montenegro No 6208,6213,7017), Decision on Keeping Separate Record on Current and Capital Operations with Abroad and Data Submission on These Operation (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 82017,1819), Decision on Statistical Data to be Submitted to the Central Bank of Montenegro for the Purpose of Compiling the Balance of Payments Statistics (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 6112, 2418) and the Decision on Cash Amount that Can Be Entered and Take Out from Montenegro Without Declaration (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 3810). International regulation: Balance of Payments and International Investment Manual - BPM6, External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (EDS), Regulation (EC) No 1842005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 January 2005 on Community statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment; Regulation (EU) No 5552012 of 22 June 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 1842005 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment, as regards the update of data requirements and definitions; Regulation (EU) 20161013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 amending Regulation (EC) No 1842005 on Community statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment.
6.2. Data sharing:National: Monstat, Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare International: IMF, Eurostat, World bank

                                                                                        7. Confidentiality                                                                          Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy:Domestic regulation: Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 1812,4719), Law on Central Bank of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 4010, 4610, 613, 7017) International regulation: Regulation (EC) No 2232009 of the European Parliament and Council adopted on 11 March 2009 on the European Statistics regulates protection and transmission of confidential data in ESS and ESCB
7.2. Confidentiality - data
Data is available to the public in aggregate form.

                                                                                        8. Release policy                                                                         Top
8.1. Release calendar:Data are published in accordance with the date defined in the official release Calendar. The calendar is publicly available.
8.2. Release calendar - access:https:www.cbcg.meenstatisticsrelease-calendar
8.3. User access:Data is published at the CBCG website, according to the release calendar, and available to all users at the same time.

                                                                            9. Frequency of dissemination                                                             Top

                                                                                  10. Accessibility and clarity                                                                Top
10.1. News release:Attn.
10.2. Publications:QuarterlyAnnual Macroeconomic Report, (https:www.cbcg.meenpublicationsregular-publications)
10.3. Online database:Attn.
10.4. Micro-data access:Attn.
10.5. Other:Apart from the web site of the CBCG (https:www.cbcg.meenstatisticsstatisticalinternational-economic-relationsexternal-debt-of-montenegro), the data are also available at National Summary Data Page (NSDP)-Montenegro and IMF web site (https:data.imf.orgregular.aspx?key=61545858)

10.6. Documentation on methodology:
CBCG web site (https:www.cbcg.meenstatisticsstatisticalinternational-economic-relationsexternal-debt-of-montenegro
10.7. Quality documentation:By the Law on Official Statistics and the System of Official Statistics (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 1812, 4719) and the Law on the Central Bank of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 4010, 4610, 613, 70 17) a commitment to quality is defined, which ensures that producers of official statistics in Montenegro work in accordance with international principles of quality of the statistical system. The operating procedures of the Department for Financial Stability, Research and Statistics.

                                                                                  11. Quality management                                                                 Top
11.1. Quality assurance:The quality is ensured by the use of international standards and statistical concepts presented in the BPM6 and EU regulations.
11.2. Quality assesment:Attn.

                                                                                        12. Relevance                                                                              Top
12.1. User needs:National users: Monstat, ministries and other institutions of public administration, researchers, media and others. International users: IMF, World bank, Eurostat, foreign embassies, researchers and other.
12.2. User satisfaction:Attn.
12.3. Completeness:Attn.

                                                                                  13. Accuracy and reliability                                                              Top
13.1. Overall accuracy:Attn.
13.2. Sampling error:Attn.
13.3. Non-sampling error:Attn.

                                                                              14. Timeliness and punctuality                                                          Top
14.1. Timeliness:Attn.
14.2. Punctuality:The data is published in line with the release calendar

                                                                                      15. Coherence and Comparability                                                                          Top
15.1. Comparability -
The data comparability is ensured by applying international standards and methodology (BPM6, EDS).
15.2. Comparability over time:Time series are available and comparable from 2010 onward.

15.3. Coherence - cross
15.4. Coherence - internal:Attn.

                                                                                        17. Data revision                                                                          Top
17.1. Data revision - policy:Revisions are made for the current and previous years. Data are also revised ad hoc whenever addition information becomes available. In case of significant revisions, it is noted in publications with an explanation of the circumstance under which the revision is made.
17.2. Data revision - practice:There is always a note in the published tables indicating preliminary data. Additionally, the revisions are noted in publications.

                                                                                 18. Statistical processing                                                                 Top
18.1. Source data:As a source of data there is used the direct reporting by companies and estimations.
18.2. Frequency of data
The data are annually collected up to 2017, and quarterly from 2017 onward.
18.3. Data collection:Direct reporting from residents (enterprises) and estimations.
18.6. Adjustment:Attn.


                                                                                           19. Comment                                                                             Top