
Pre-primary education and child care

In Montenegro there are 52 pre-primary institutions of which 21 institutions are public and 31 are private, with the network of 158 child care units, within which there were organised 790 child care groups.

The total number of children enrolled in pre-primary institutions in school year 2021/2022 is 23 008. Of the total number of children, there are 47.7% (10 986) of enrolled girls and 52.3% (12 022) of boys. The share of enrolled children is higer for 7.9% in comparison with the previous school year. Of the total number of children, children enrolled in public institutions account for 96.1%.

The average number of children per educational group in public pre-primary institution is 31, and in private is the 11.

Of the total number of employees in pre-primary institutions, child-care workers account for 47.5%.

