Quarterly statistics of transport IV quarter 2020
Transport of passengers in the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to the same quarter of the previous year decreased in rail transport for 53.6%, road transport by 69.7%, local road for 24.1%, the carriage of passengers at airports by 79.8%, scheduled air transport for 68.0% and non scheduled air for 84.6%.
The transport of goods in the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to the same quarter last year increased on total turnover of goods in ports by 7.4% while decrease registered in rail transport for 14.9%, and in transport of goods on the airports by 49.8%.
Number of trans-shipment tonnes in the ports in the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to the same quarter of the previous year increased by 3.5% and manipulated by 3.3%.
Total number of injury accidents on roads in the fourth quarter 2020 totaled 1 258 which is 19.0% less than the same quarter of previous year. Number of casualies in the fourth quarter 2020 amounted to 572 (of which 562 injuries), which is 21.9% less than the same quarter of previous year.
Number of registered road motor vehicles and trailers in the fourth quarter 2020 is 62 541 and is at the same level as in the fourth quarter of 2019. Number of first time registered road motor vehicles and trailers in the fourth quarter 2020 is 3 916 which is a decrease of 30.8% in comparison with the same quater of previous year.
In the fourth quarter of 2020 road goods motor vehicles transported a 187 thousands tons of goods and performed 26 831 thousand tonne-kilometers. Kilometres travelled by loaded vehicles was 1 295 thousands kilometres. In the structure of transported goods, national transport participates with 86.1% or 161 thousands tons of goods, while international transport participates with 13.9%, or 26 thousands tons of goods. In the structure of performed tonne-kilometers internal transport participates with 47.5% or 12 737 thousands tonne-kilometers and international transport with 52.5% or 14 094 thousands tonne-kilometers.