Statistical Office is implementing the 2024 User Satisfaction Survey. We invite users to fill in the questionnaire and to give their opinion on our work.

Council of Statistical System shall be established with a view to improving statistical culture and knowledge as well as meeting official statistics users’ needs, as it is defined by Chapter IV of the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No18/12 and 47/19).

The Council shall be advisory and expert body providing opinions and proposals on:

1) Strategic issues of official statistics and statistical system;
2) Draft Development Strategy, draft Programme, draft Annual Plan, and draft report on the implementation of the Annual Plan;
3) Draft laws and other legal acts related to the official statistics;
4) Cases when the bodies keeping the administrative data sources fail to provide data required for statistical purposes compliant with this Law;
5) Development and improvement of official statistics system and international cooperation;
6) Raising the level of knowledge of both statistical producers and data users;
7) Official statistics system functioning;
8) Need for conducting the census; introducing, revising or suspending large statistical surveys; infrastructure projects and financial sources for their implementation;
9) Guidance for the implementation of official statistics principles, and
10) Other issues of relevance for the functioning of the official statistical system.

The members of the Council shall be appointed by Minister of Finance.

The member of the Council shall be appointed for a five-year period, with a possibility of being re-appointed.

Director of the competent authority shall be a member of the Council ex officio.

The Council shall have 17 members among representatives: Statistical Office; Central Bank of Montenegro; Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare; state administration authority responsible for internal affairs; state administration authority responsible for taxes and customs affairs; Capital Market Authority; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Economic Development; Institute for Public Health of Montenegro; scientific and research institutions; business associations; and non-governmental organizations. The Council shall have president and vice president elected from among the members of the Council.

The Council shall have a secretary appointed from among the employees of the competent authority.

The manner of work of the Council shall be closely defined by the Rules of Procedure.

Expert and administrative tasks for the Council shall be performed by the competent authority.

For the purpose of dealing with the issues from the scope of its work, the Council may establish commissions, expert groups, and other working bodies.

