Annual gross domestic product

Legal basis

Legal basis for conducting this statistical survey is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro No.18/12 and 14/19) and Annual  plan of surveys.


Internationally proposed methodology for calculation of national accounts is System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) that offers detailed theoretical framework, while for EU members it is prescribed methodology European System of National Accounts (ESA 2010) which is completely consistent with SNA 2008 and adjusted to European environment and practice.

Purpose of survey

The purpose of the compilation of gross domestic product (GDP) is the obtaining of the main and the most important macro-economic aggregate in the system of national accounts. Annual GDP  presents market value of all goods and services produced in the country during one year. GDP is compiled by production, expenditure and income approaches.

Coverage of survey

National accounts describe the total economy of a country. All units that have their centre of predominant economic interest in the economic territory of that country are covered. Compilation of GDP covers all NACE Rev. 2 sectors except sector U: Activities of extraterritorial organisations, as well as all the units following concept of the system of national accounts defined by international methodologies SNA 2008 and ESA 2010.

Data sources

The most important administrative data sources are: financial statements of the business companies, data on revenues and expenditure of government units, data on taxes and subsieds, balance of payment data and tax declaration data. In addition, the data from regular statistical surveys and other relevant data sources are used.


Time series of estimated annual GDP data are available for:

  • Annual GDP, main aggregates, from 2006
  • Annual GDP by production approach, at current prices, from 2006
  • Annual GDP by production approach, at constant prices (previous year prices), from 2007
  • Annual GDP by production approach, in average prices of 2010 (CLV 2010=100), from 2006
  • Annual GDP by expenditure approach, at current prices, from 2006
  • Annual GDP by expenditure approach, at constant prices (previous year prices), from 2007
  • Annual GDP by expenditure approach, at average prices of 2010 (CLV 2010=100), from 2006
  • Annual GDP by income approach, at current prices, from 2006

For more details on published data, methodology, and releases please see the sections below.

Data Methodology Releases Publications Metadata Quality



