Demography - Release 2008

In 2008 it was registered significant increase of the number of live born children comparing to previous year by 5,4%, it was born 424 more than in  2007. From 8 258 live born children 4 313 or 52,2% were boys and 3 945 or 47,8% girls. In 2008 there was less number of dead persons than previous year- 271 persons or  4,5% less than previous year. From total number of dead persons (5 708) in 2008, 2 982 or 52,2% were  male and  2 726 or 47,8% were female persons. There were 3 445 marriages. In 2008 there were 460 lawfully divorced marriages.

Here you can download complete release from demography for  2008.
