Development Strategy of Official Statistics

Development Strategy of Official Statistics 2024-2028 is a five-year strategic document in area of official statistics of Montenegro adopted in line with Article 20 of the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 18/12 and 47/19).  This secondary legislation represents a development framework of Montenegro statistical system which determines strategic objective, vision, mission, and long-term operative objectives for the development of Montenegro statistical system. The purpose of this Strategy is to improve the existing and development of new measures, mechanisms, and instruments of Montenegro statistical system.

Purpose of the Strategy is to define operative objectives for the development of Montenegro official statistical system in the next five years, by which the strategic aim of statistical system will be met.

Role of the Strategy is to direct the work of official statistical system toward the implementation of the most important operative objectives in the mentioned time period. In the same time, it also serves for presentation of the work of official statistical producers, users, and general public, so that development and improvement of official statistical system are monitored. The Strategy defines a direction of faster development for official statistics via the harmonization of methodology, standards and good statistical practice. Additionally, it represents a basis for receiving the official statistical data and ensures their comparability with the statistical data of European and other countries. In addition to the Strategy, there is prepared a two-year action plan of implementation of the Strategy (for 2024 - 2025), which is adopted by the Government of Montenegro. Other secondary legislation, such as: Programme of Official Statistics, and Annual Plan of Official Statistics ensures the programme framework which in detail elaborates the Strategy.

Under the Development Strategy of Official Statistics 2024-2028, there is defined strategic objective, vision, and mission of statistical system and five operative objectives by which further development of Montenegro statistical system is ensured.

Strategic aim of the Strategy is to provide all users with the official statistical data produced in line with the principles of official statistics, determined by national and international methodology, with respecting ethical and professional standards.

Vision of Montenegro statistical system is to produce, with strengthening its professional and infrastructural capacities, official statistical data which are based on international standards and methodologies, and respecting the official statistical principles.

Mission of Montenegro statistical system is to provide reliable, quality, timely, and internationally comparable official statistical data for the needs of all users. The production of official statistical data is done based on statistical standards, by using modern technologies, with respecting statistical confidentiality.

For a full version of the document, see the Development Strategy of Official Statistics 2024-2028.

