Household budget survey

Legal basis
Legal basis for conducting this statistical survey is Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro 18/12).


Purpose of survey
The survey collects the data on income, expenditure and consumption of households, as well as some important living standards indicators (housing, equipment of households with durable goods …) and main data on demographic, economic and social characteristics of households.

The aim of the Household Budget Survey is:
a)    Calculating data for the balance of personal consumption within the National Accounts System,
b)    Creating a database for obtaining the weight for the calculation of consumer price index.
c)    To be used as the main source of data for production on poverty lines and analyses (consumption method).

Coverage of survey
Household budget survey covers household on the territory of Montenegro. Two-phase stratified sample is applied in the survey, together with enumeration areas as the primary selection units and households as the secondary ones.

Data sources
The data sources are selected with methods of random choice (one person and multy-person household).

Obligation to protect individual data
The results received by the survey are published aggregated not allowing presenting data on the individuals and households.

For more details on published data, methodology, and releases please see the sections below.

Data Methodology Releases Quality reports Metadata


